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"The Empire Strikes Back of our time" sums it up well.

With that said, I'm gonna peace-out! It's been fun, I've enjoyed my time here, but I keep getting bans for quite possibly the most inane things I've ever heard of in my life (Telling people to keep spoiler talk out of threads not tagged with spoilers, for example), and I just don't have the patience for the immaturity displayed by the mod team and some specific users on this site.

I am an adult woman, I don't need to go crying to mommy and daddy mod when someone does something that I find objectionable, and the idea that such petty, childish behaviour is encouraged over talking it out like adults is laughable to me. I dealt with stupid, meaningless rules when I was a teenager nearly a decade ago, I have no interest in subjecting myself to that again.

The fact that I get banned for telling someone to 'clamp their gob' in regards to spoilers but RolStoppable gets to be such a flamboyant troll with impunity because he toes the line is just pathetic.

A shame, too. This place was a nice blend of 'big enough to remain active but small enough to not get lost in the shuffle'. Plus I love sales talk.

Anywho, You have my rankings, you have my scores, peace out my friends!