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Here's a picture of what it is like in Arizona, my home state:

This is about so much more than just salaries and wages.

The fact of the matter is, year in and year out, our teachers are being asked to do more with less. 
They essentially have to be a 3rd parent to 40-60 different kids, while not making as much money as the kids' actual parents, to try and support themselves and their own kids. And they have to do this with pisspoor funding, severely outdated textbooks, and diminishing resources. 
To anyone who is a parent, how would you feel about your child's/childrens' education being shortchanged like this?
The teachers are taking matters into their own hands and doing this now, so that our kids and their parents won't have to do it later. So that they receive better support and get more out of their education than the teachers are able to provide at the moment. 

Last edited by PAOerfulone - on 29 April 2018