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potato_hamster said:
JEMC said:

If you're that affraid of what others will think, you can still like the post and then quote it and explain that, while you don't agree with his/her opinions, at least you understand why he/she thinks that way... and then share your own ideas, thus leading to more and better discussions.

As for people misbehaving and using the likes to attack someone. First you (or well, "we" as a whole) should be more proactive and report those wrong doers so mods can do their job. Sometimes mods don't do anything because they arrive late as no one has warned them about what was happening before. Give them the benefit of doubt there's always time to complain later.

I'm not at all afraid about what others would think, like not even a little bit. I do, however, expect it to affect the way conversations are had in the future on this site in a negative way. Like systems automatically add a degree of popularity or implied "correctness" to conversations.

As for reporting, I've also had enough experience with the reporting system to have a more cynical opinion about it than you appear to have. That's all I'm willing to say about that.

The problem with how other sites handle the like/dislike system is that posts are displayed regarding the number of likes/dislikes they have, which can led to a fight to have the most popular post and be featured fist. It's already stated that this would not be the case here, and that postd will still be displayed in chonological order.

Seriously, I've been (as a lurker, but still) on many forums with a like or thanks or reputation system where it was far from a problem. It's more a problem of how it's implemented, and the guys here seem to be doing the right steps in that regard, and how the userbase uses it.

Besides, a couple users have already posted ways to reduce even more the possibility of abuse by making it only visible to the author of the post or by simply giving us the option to see or hide the names of those that have liked the posts.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.