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Baddman said:
AlfredoTurkey said:

Haha... ditto for me. I bought it years ago and just... stopped. It's an awesome game but cheap as hell because it's all trial and error. When you work for an hour and a half to get to a new place you haven't been yet and then some monster jumps out of nowhere and kills you, you should not have to do all that shit all over again. If they're going to drop randomly overpowered monsters out of trees or from around corners, fine. But give us three lives and let us start at least some where near where we died, so we can practice and feel like we're not losing hours of our life. this really what happens?  if so man Im lucky i didnt buy it when i was tempted  

It happened to me, yeah. There are save points through out the game where, if you can GET to them, you're good. But there comes a point (can't remember exactly now) where those save points are stretched out way too far and the only way you're going to get to it without dying is either grinding for days on end so these new foes don't kill you or, trying to sprint your way past enemies which can kill you with one hit. In my experience, there was no third option... those were your only two.

For me, the game's music, atmosphere, graphics... just about all of it is awesome. Combat is fun imo. Everything is great except the distance between save points. And I'm the type of guy that bitches when people whine about difficult games. I've beaten old school games like Contra Hard Corps. where one wrong move gets you killed and too many wrong moves sends you to a game over screen but, what makes Bloodborne different is when you die, the time in-between your last save is literally longer than the entire play through of Contra. It's just... holy shit frustrating to losing an hour of your work. And this isn't just "work"... this is sitting on the seat of your chair, sweating your balls off, praying to the video game Gods above that you do not die type of work. And to have all that wiped out with one, unseen enemy that you could have not seen coming without a walk through... after an HOUR or more? 

Fuck that mother fucking shit right in its asshole.