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RavenXtra said:
TalonMan said:

So, let me state right from the start - there is currently no code to truly "incentivize" this in any way (points, badges, vg$, etc.). Nothing. And at this point, I have no plans to add anything additional to this functionality (beyond MAYBE adding a notification to the author that their post received a "like"). I just want to make sure we are clear on this point.

There is no "dislike" button, and so long as I'm here doing coding, there never will be a "dislike" button. That would absolutely add a potentially serious negative tone to the forums, and I'm not interested in any way of having that here.

As I mentioned in the development thread (where this conversation originally sprung up), the sole reason I added this in the first place was for those situations where somebody had made a good point about something, and rather than go through wasting time (and forum space) by quoting the user just to type the word "Agreed!" - having a way to "like" a post is the most logical way to accomplish this. I honestly have a hard time understanding how something so trivial as this, could possibly be so polarizing. I know the argument to this was that rather than typing "Agreed!", you should always strive to expand on that and why it is you agree - but really, that's exactly the point of this! There are definitely times when a post is so succinct  and truly summarizes your thoughts perfectly, that there's just nothing else you could possibly add - and I believe the author really does deserve to know that you appreciated what they wrote.


If there was the potential to "dislike" a post which could lead to hurt feelings, or  if the "likes" had the ability to raise a post to a "higher" status (highlighting it or floating towards the top or giving it front page status), I would completely understand why people would have a hard time with this and would rally against it (heck, I'd be on the same side and would be rallying against it, too!!!!). But having (what I believe to be) a harmless way to simply let another user know that you liked what they wrote, I just don't think should be so controversial... 

...all that said, I'm still hear to listen and I will do whatever I can to make everyone happy (which I know will be DAMN NEAR impossible)!! The hardest thing about any community (and VGChartz, in particular) is the acceptance of any change! I've been here for over 10yrs, and each time Brett or I would make even the smallest of changes, there would be immediate blow-back - and so all I ask for is a little patience.  :)


I never said anything about the system being tied to VG$ or GamerPoints, I just said that it's yet another "Point System" for users to take advantage of and change their posting habits to accrue more of it. I just see it being a bad thing for the forum, even if its just a small change.

Seeing as you didnt like the first fast and furious. I dont take your view as gospel

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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