I dont get the overall hate for Labo personally. ''Its not what I want!''. Well obviously, its for kids. I'm not getting it either but people act like Labo's existence is personally offending them or something lol.
Like others mentioned, I think the real indication of Labo having any long term life is gonna be the holidays. If holiday's comes and goes and sales are in the pooper,then we can call this thing an error and failure on Nintendo's part.
We will see.
Edit: I also saw other people mention this should've been released more so near its announcement. I agree. But even without that, they haven't really marketed it very much outside its first initial two weeks. You'd figure that something like this they'd want to shove down the publics throats,but really if you look past the initial two weeks of its announcement, we haven't truly seen any marketing for it. Its out Friday and I haven't seen advertisements for it in awhile.
This is why I'm waiting to see what happens during the Holidays to see if parents watch other peoples creation videos or if Nintendo markets the product in the future based off peoples creations to sell their product. Christmas gonna be key
NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick