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sundin13 said:

I feel like your entire argument falls apart when you consider that if you are not married, the same exact outcomes can occur. It isn't like you suddenly open yourself up to these new possibilities of rape when you get married, so how is performing the act of marriage in any way becoming responsible for the actions that led to the act (or however way you want to phrase it)?

You could even argue that, especially as a woman, the act of marriage protects you from numerous negative outcomes.

It is kind of like betting when the odds are 100-1 (in a situation where you are required to bet). Would you say that someone made a mistake if they lose or tell the person that maybe they should bet against the odds next time? No, because that doesn't make sense. These situations occur against the odds, so to become a slave to these possibilities is to cut yourself off from the potential positive outcomes, like saying "I'm not going to go to the beach because a shark might kill me". While you probably shouldn't be swimming if there are sharks around, you cannot expect someone to plan for every unlikely scenario because that would leave them locked in a padded cell, receiving a steady IV drip of nutrients because do you know how many people die from eating every year? Oh, you choked? You shouldn't have made the absolutely ridiculous decision to eat solid food.

There is so much else I want to say about this post (like, no, just because some fraction of people commit murder doesn't mean that you should expect everyone to be a murderer), but I'll leave it at this for now.

I was merely trying to answer to Hiku using a slightly different angle cause just "copy-pasting" what I have been trying to say for about a week now would be seriously redundant considering the fact I have been explaining my side of the argument in every way possible.

As for what you are saying now about the "same exact outcome occurring if you are not married" First the issue here is rape INSIDE marriage right? At least that's what I have been discussing. All other outcomes or issues are real too and worthy of a debate too but I have been so far only speaking of the very specific issue of rape inside marriage and I never said that other outcomes outside marriage are impossible or cannot happen.

But I must say I feel a bit discouraged when you ask "how is the act of marriage in any way becoming responsible for the actions that led to the act (I assume you mean the act of raping)" because I have almost literally answered that a million times so here goes again: I do not say one is responsible for the act of raping (the victim I mean) or any other bad outcome, the criminal is the sole person responsible of the crime when there is a crime (like rape), the victim is in my opinion responsible of the CHOICES he/she made. Everybody must be responsible of the choices one makes. the CHOICES, as for the crime itself, the victim is obviously not responsible for that.

As for that part of your argument where you say that stuff happens against the odds, well I can see what you mean but I don't entirely agree with that either. Indeed you cannot control every possible outcome of every possible decision you take in your life, but you still can hedge your bets can't you?

Let me use your own example as I think it can help. I agree when you say that if you think a shark could kill you then you'd end up never going to the beach (or I think that's what you are saying, sorry If I got you wrong). But you sill can make choices that will make a dire outcome in which a shark ends up killing you, a SUPER LOW probability. For example you can make the CHOICE of swimming in waters where sharks never go like in the beaches of northern Europe. But you can see a ton of people swimming in warm waters in southern beaches like the beaches of Australia. so to THOSE people I say, should a shark hurt you, it's not your fault but you are responsible of your CHOICE of swimming in waters where sharks are KNOWN to appear. Whereas I CHOOSE to only go to northern Europe's beaches where never a shark has been spotted or known to go to. My CHOICE in this example is RESPONSIBLE. I still could be attacked by a shark there but the odds are so incredibly low compared to someone who chooses to swim in southern hot Australian waters that in my opinion that person is NOT making responsible choices when swimming in such waters.

So the conclusion of my argument is that I agree we cannot control every possible outcome in our lives but our CHOICES if smart and RESPONSIBLE can seriously bring the odds in our favor. And my message to future victims of possible rapes is to take responsibility for their choices so that the odds can be in the victim's favor and maybe, just maybe the victim can end up not being a victim after all when making responsible choices.