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Make it less linear. Zelda I was the least linear, you could take dungeons in different orders, and a lot of important items like the armors you got outside of dungeons, and in Zelda II and III you didn't have to do everything in order either (tho it came naturally at most points, but you still had choices). OoT, WW, and TP were too linear, tho atleast in WW you could muck about for hours exploring the sea, and that gave some feeling of unlinearity. Majora's Mask had so many sidequests it didn't feel very linear, even tho you needed to get key items from a specific area to go into a new area.

Optional items! That means, cool items that are _not_ absolutely required to advance in the game, but just gives you an advantage as certain points. Like the Biggoron sword in OoT or the Gilded Sworded in MM, or the ice staff from LTTP. And make them hard to find/get!

Please make it harder. Not damn hard, just make me scared of dying at least. I used to die in OoT sometimes when I was younger. Played it again recently, didn't die once, but atleast I came close a few times. In Windwaker I never died, and in TP I only died once, the first time I fought those monsters that come out of the warp points, but I only had 3 hearts then, and didn't know that I had to kill the last two at once until I had lost 2,5 hearts :)

Exploration is very important to me. Please don't guide me too much, let me muck about, but don't make it pure guesswork to know where to go next either. Exploration was one of the key defining things of the first Zelda game, and it needs to be in focus for the series.