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I dont believe RE7 bombed.
However alot of people in here dont seem to understand how the buisness works.

If RE7s budget is extremely high than they will require an extremely high sales figure for a multiplat.

MGS5 sold under its massive budget and still did okay on sales figures. But there just figures not profit. That game would have hurt Komani.
Tomb Raider was under there sales expectations hence why they remastered the game for PS4 and X1 to increase its sales.

I dont think Capcon spent too much on RE7 as the games quality likes to suggests. I think 5m is good for it, than again i dont know the budget that went into it.

End of day is sales has to exceed the budget spent. That can vary depending on the game. Maybe RE7 bombed if the game needed to sell 6m to 7m to make a profit.


This is why sales figures mean nothing unless it means a good return. A game can sell 20m copies but if the budget is 1b to create than it would be a bomb. I think Shenmue on Dreamcast suffered that fate where its production cost was too high for its sales and it bombed.

Last edited by Azzanation - on 09 April 2018