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The issue I have with SJW is why they do they go around and declare they are so righteous and correct and everyone is wrong and then shout down any opposition with name calling and not through debating their position?

My challenge to SJW is that if your opinions are so correct and so valid, debate them and let them face a critique.

Because I see people like Jordan Peterson becoming popular because he is a scholar and a lot of his critics are mostly SJW who are not very intelligent but extremely self-righteous.

That is why I dont take SJW seriously because most of them are like Alara317 who resort to labeling anyone who does not subscribe to her viewpoints as Nazis, alt right, KKK or the wrong side of history.

I think my lesson to SJW is that most people likely agree with your viewpoint but don't like to be called names because they do not subscribe to every tenet of hard left progressive ideology.