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Yessir! Other that here (just started a few months back), I've been writing reviews for a Canadian site called Newgamenetwork for a few years. Everything (developer/PR communications and promo codes) are completely handled through our editor there which feels a bit constricting but the plus side of that is he usually nets a pretty sizable backlog of free codes (usually of indies) that we can constantly draw from. We'll also sometimes get freebies of the big AAA stuff, but there are about 4 or 5 guys above me in seniority there so they usually get first dibs on the really big AAA content. I often cover Nintendo side of things there but as you probably wouldn't be surprised to find out, they don't give us codes. I did manage to score Gears of War Ultimate and Halo War 2 codes so that was pretty cool. We also recently scored a spot on Metacritic so it's cool to have your scores factored into there. They hooked me up with my first ever E3 trip too which was a pretty epic (though chaotic) experience. Didn't cover travel but obviously being media I got into the show for free and got first dibs on a lot of demos via exclusive dev pressers.

Also write for a site that specializes completely in indie games called Cliqist. Starting like next week they can no longer pay their writers so I'm going to be shifting most of my focus from there. Kinda a bummer as a liked the system they had in place there for the most part and the pay wasn't too shabby, but on the plus side it'll free me up to write more for this site!

Have done some feature/listicle stuff back when I was first getting started getting published on a site called Leviathyn as well.

Finally, I have a personal blog "" but I've haven't really messed around with that much lately as it gets very few views so it's largely just for my own pointless game related ramblings.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden