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TranceformerFX said:
Black Panther: The only movie where forced diversity is celebrated and it's critical reception is measured by it's political significance and not the quality of the actual film.

Black Panthers Box Office gross is not only pathetic, but also sets a precedent on the state of mind that this country is in.

Want to watch an all Black cast movie that's actually of great quality? Watch "Menace 2 Society". Came out 25 years ago. All Black cast - nobody gave a shit./

If you don't like the movie, whatever. Some don't. But you're mad that the movie is successful? There's a lot of elements in place that made it a hit. And you reach back to a movie that's only 25 years old, but an R-rated indie drama to compare it to? Menace 2 Society and Black Panther have shit all to do with each other. That's like saying nobody should have seen American Sniper because Raiders of the Lost Ark was a better movie. It's a non-sequitur.