I played Skyrim back on the 360, and thought it was decent. I liked how open it felt, and the music was great. *hums the dragon song*
For whatever reason though, I just stopped playing and never felt any motivation to go back to it. The story/quests really didn’t leave much of an impact on me, and I honestly couldn’t name a single character other than Lord Boomstone the Brave. I suppose these aren’t issues if you aren’t interested in these things, but for me a compelling story and/or interesting characters are essential in an RPG game. It probably didn’t help that I don’t have much interest in western stock fantasy in general, so a lot of the appeal was probably lost on me.
Xenoblade 2 on the other hand gripped me from start to finish, had an amazing cast of characters, and probably the best story I’ve seen in an RPG since playing Tales of Symphonia back in 2004. It was one of those games where I felt disappointed once it was over, solely because I wanted to keep playing.
That being said, the battle system does take a while to get going, and the game takes its sweet time in introducing mechanics, though I honestly preferred this style. Games that throw me into the thick of things and expect me to figure it out on my own are the ones I usually lose interest in the fastest. I like learning game mechanics the same way I learn languages; giving me the basic ideas piece by piece, and giving me time to master them before throwing more at me.
Personally, I found the gameplay to be incredibly addictive once you have enough Blades to master Chain combos, but if you don’t care enough to put in the time, that’s perfectly fair.
NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334