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Of course they won't. They don't need to, wii sales are spectacular. Still alot of ppl think that the wii architecture could produce more. This SKU will be targetd at more extreme gamers who want more storage and voice chat.

I would think an SKU like this would include something like:

At least a 10 GB Hard Drive For more download storage.

An internal DVD drive ( I mean seriously this was promised in 05 and the controller is based off a tv remote.COME ON!)

Video storage and playback(Mp4, Replays from games like Brawl)

An ethernet port.

A Microphone that would accompany a universal update allowing Voice chat online.

3 Free Wiiware downloads.

And a sleek metallic or platinum coating with matching accessories.

A free 512 MB metallic Sd card.

The Sku could or couldnt be bundled with Wii sports and retail between 300-350 dollars.

Of Course I know this will NEVER Happen. Nintendo Profit on every wii sold and want to remain in the low price range. just wanted to see what others would think of a package like this, though it is  nonexistatn.