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That depends on the economy of the mind and how you interpret the process of human development.

For example, the same mind that can conceive Ra can come to understand that Ra does not exist. Remove the capacity of constructing gods and you may lose abstract functions such as pattern recognition in seasons to develop agriculture. So, we'd likely be extinct or still be small bands of hunter gatherers.

In the same respect assuming humans would still create large scale civilizations if power structures would be required to fill that void. We know in our current development that nationalism became the form of tribalism that shaped the modern era. We could simply been a species that worshiped leaders or parties or councils.

If you fundamentally can change our nature to keep our higher functions while stripping fear and superstition then our species would have had accelerated development of technology and likely have hit milestones much sooner and faster. We'd have Star Fleet around three thousand years ago and have colonies across the stars. By now we'd be discussing the possibilities of going to Andromeda and becoming a multi galaxy class species.