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I notice the OP is a rather blatant fan of Majora's Mask :P I agree with him though. I hated the time limit at first, but the characters and the situation were far more emotionally engaging than TP or OoT. Here are the most important things for me:


Fine, for the noobs that can't play worth crap, make sure you start out in easy mode, but for those of us that have been playing Zelda since we could fit our hands around the controller, how about adding in a harder mode so that your average moblin can actually give us a run for our money? I tried playing the gamecube version, and it's actually pretty difficult to control, which I think is why the enemies were dumbed down. When you used the Wimote w/ nunchuk, it became downright easy.

EDIT: WoW and a few others apparently didn't get what I meant when I said difficulty slider, as apparently they're used to the cheap way games do it that simply increases hit points and the damage done by enemies. I'm talking about an actual AI slider that as you increase teh difficulty, enemies will actually fight differently; guarding, dodging more, attacking more quickly and with less windup, and also trying to lead their shots to intercept you if you're dodging a lot.

2.) Build on TP controls

These controls may have just been buttons mapped to waggle, but they were mapped WELL. Don't screw around with this, just build on it.

3.) Serious Cell shaded

Twilight Princess art style, but cell shading really would be a nice effect.

4.) Partial Voice Acting ONLY

First off, LINK DOES NOT TALK. I don't care how cool the voice is, he just doesn't. PERIOD. However, with Link not talking at all, it would seem weird if everyone else spoke all of their lines, he'd seem like a mute, which just isn't the effect we're going for. As a consolation, do partial voice acting. Actual dialog, not just grunts and giggles, but don't speak every single line, basically only do voice acting for the "main idea" line and leave the rest of the lines as text only.

5.) Don't go too Dark

Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask are as dark as the Zelda series should go.(TP had a dark style, but MM had much more somber underlying themes) Either keep it at this level or preferably even lighten it up a little. Any further, and you're gonna have Link cutting himself and dressing in fishnet. We just don't need to go there.

6.) Useful items and items with multiple ways to be used

The Spinner was retarded, and the Wand came in a close second, the dual hookshots was cute, but I would have liked to see the different uses of the single hookshot increased instead, like being able to swing on the hookshot(like what you could do with the grappling claw) and use your sword or other items at the same time.

I'd like to see the hookshot able to be used in conjunction with the metal boots to pull objects to you instead of pulling you to objects. I'd like to see the magnet floors used in more situations than just a single dungeon. I'd like to possibly see some sort of upgrade to the metal boots to make them magnet boots that could stick to regular metal floors and stick to OR repel from magnetic floors.

Have the wand upgradable so that it could not just activate specifically designed object, but also levitate at close range heavy objects, allowing it to function in place of the gauntlets of strength, and at the same time, allow it to be combined with the Ball and Chain to create a makeshift Goron's Hammer, as well as allowing you to use the Ball and Chain without slowing you down.

Skip the stupid sling, or have it so that you get the Bow from someone by trading the slingshot to them for it. It became totally extraneous as soon as you got the Bow. Give the boomerang in place of it, and have it so it can be upgraded with the wind powers (I actually liked the idea of activating events by putting OUT the fires, not just starting them) and make it so it's stunning ability is actually more effective than the hookshot.

Allow an upgrade to remote bombs, like what was done in Minish cap, and I'd also like to see the Mirror Shield reincorporated, but not JUST for "beams of light activate sensors" puzzles.

Allow the lantern to be upgraded with red fire and blue fire, allowing you to activate, with magic(or perhaps special types of oil?), red flames to melt cold ice and protect you from being frozen, and activate blue fire to freeze water that you're walking on, and protect you from hot levels. This could then be combined with the gale boomerang to allow you to throw the lantern out over a distance, allowing you to freeze water along a path, or light torches from a distance. You could also have puzzles that require torches to be lit with specific types of flame to solve.

Put in the cape from the minish cap, and give it functionality like the lantern combined with metal boots, in that you can use it, or just be wearing it, but you can also use it directly from the dpad. I'd like to finally be able to make 3D Link jump without having to have him run off a cliff to do it. It could be set so that if you used it, it would make Link jump, but if you just wore it normally and ran, it would let you hover. This could be combined with the sword for aerial attacks, combined with the metal boots to activate heavy switches, etc.

By combining items in this manner, you could create a variety of different items and uses, and not have any item feel useless.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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