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OK guys i'm getting sick of the "not a videogame character argument" what other arguments do you have against Goku joining Smash?


I get it, Goku is not a video game character but this argument is such a cliché that i find it hard to take seriously anymore because we've known this for ages. Smash was supposed to be a Nintendo All Star fighting game now it's become a Nintendo/third party All Star fighting game.

Here are some arguments in favor of Goku joining Smash.

- Goku one of the most requested characters since Brawl

- Goku's anime aesthetic fits perfectly in Smash

- Goku has appeared in over 90+ videogames

- Goku has appeared on pretty much every Nintendo console out there.

- Goku's games are mainly competetive fighting games so that would fit Smash

- Goku's popularity is globally at the same level as Mario and Pikachu and would only boost sales

- Goku would be the first non video game originating character in Smash

- He's Goku what else do you want?