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Weekend estimates are in. TLJ did $107K. This is 76.1% lower than RO's $447K for the same weekend. For the past 10 days, TLJ has underperformed RO by 66.7%. From now until it left theatres, RO made $862.8K. If the 66.7% holds, than TLJ will make just $287.3K. This would bring the final DBO total to $620.3M. If the FBO precentage of 53.5% holds, final WW will be $1.334B.

Just a few points that help illustrate how poor its legs have been (all numbers pertain to DBO):

- By the end of Week 3, Day 21, TLJ had been outperforming RO, outside of opening weekend, by 9.6%. That performance has fallen to 6.3% in the following weeks.
- By the end of Week 3, TLJ had dropped 28.7% (-$221.4M) below TFA. It currently is 33.6% (-$313.7M) below TFA and is looking to end up ~33.8% (-$316.4M) down.
- By the end of Week 3, TLJ was $21.7M ahead of Jurassic World. It is currently $29.9M behind it and is looking to end up ~$32M behind it.
- By the end of Week 3, TLJ was $72.3M ahead of Avengers:AOU. It is currently $2.68M ahead of it and is looking to end up ~$3.06M behind it.
- TLJ has lost 96.5% of its screenings by Weekend 15. At this point in time, TFA had lost 86.6% and RO had lost 93.6% (it actually gained some theaters on this week.) JW had lost 82.4% and Avengers had lost 94.9%.
- On Day 69, TLJ already had a take below $60K ($58K). It wasn't until Day 74 that RO dropped below $60K. Day 109 for TFA. Day 102 for JW. And after Day 84 (info for Day 85-119 is missing) for Avengers.