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MikeB said: According to Phil Harrison Sony started developing this service years ago on the PS2.
Well that doesn't really mean much Mike. Phil Harrison is like Perrin Kaplan of Nintendo, you can't take either of them at their word. Both of them have been caught stating something that was deemed incorrect/untrue several times. Phil nor Perrin seem to be in the loop. Phil saying rumble was last gen the day before Sony settled with Immersion points to this. Not to mention the BS about Sony always intending on putting the motion sensitivity in the Sixaxis, when developers were told about at it a week to 10 days before E3. As for Perrin, her "Wii region free statement" comes to mind as well as the 'component cables being available from retailers at launch" snafu. In others words, citing a corporate talking head that has proven unreliable isn't a good idea.