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Nymeria said:
I think Avatar 2 will be one of the most interesting upcoming releases to see if that was a flash in the pan or if people really do love that world and characters. I know everyone seemingly saw it, but outside of box office I never hear it referenced, quoted, or brought up.

Definitely be interesting to track. And you're right. Other than occasionally talking about how successful it was, Avatar is not referenced in any way. No one remembers the characters names. No one quotes lines from the film, if there even are any memorable quotes in the first place. Kids don't dress up as Navi (the only name I remember from it) for Halloween or play with the toys. That's pretty bad when movies that don't even make half of what it did that have stayed in the cultural consciousness for decades.

And it's weird that Cameron has just basically given up on creating anything new and instead wants to make Avatar sequels for the remainder of his life. I could see the 2nd one making maybe half of that of the first, especially without the 3D hype behind it and China being more selective with the films they watch. Doesn't help that the sequel, that no one was clambering for, is coming 9 years too late.