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Alright, Thor is in the bag now!

Not a lot to say about this one. It's a fun, lighthearted snack of a movie. No real complaints, no real criticisms, just a lot of fun.


Thor as a character has a nice arch and is a lot of fun both in his cocky arrogant phase and his more mature, worthy phase. He was a blast to watch interact with the locals in New Mexico, and honestly, he's super hot. That helps a lot. Nothing wrong with a little eye candy.

Seriously, lines like "This drink, I like it! ANOTHER" And "I am the mighty Th-" *Get's stabbed in the ass with a tranquilizer*, and "I need a horse...or something big enough to ride!" are all so much fun. Still quoted today.

Loki as a character is also a blast to watch. WE all knew that, though.

I loved the art direction and the cinematography. This movie doesn't get enough praise for its visual style!

It also helped to build upon the world by giving us more coulson, introducing us to hawkeye, and vaguely setting up the Avengers. we didn't know that at the time, but it was still a wonderful time at the movies!


like I said, it's really light. Not the most meaningful of the MCU. Not a bad thing, really, but it's disposable. Also, some people don't like Darcy? I liked it a lot, to be honest. Fun character.


Like I said, not the most consequential of films, but I liked that. I liked that it was just a bit of fun in between the heavier moments of Iron Man 2 and the upcoming war of Captain America. I'm greatly happy to have this film in my collection!

Total Rankings:

9.0 Iron Man
8.9 Iron Man 2
8.3 Thor
6.1 The Incredible Hulk