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So I went to see this in a preview screening. The first preview they've done for a Marvel movie plus only one since I think (in the UK at least). It was a risk, little known characters, different concept and all that. I didn't know what to expect as it was set on the recent Guardian's comics not the 1980s ones. This means characters didn't fit their personality or conception.

And they still didn't, infact Starlord's personality in comics now reads as a mick take of the film version. His design is of that too... which is the measure of this films success.

The film was very good, funny, entertaining, vastly different to what Marvel had produced before, which had mostly been epic good vs evil shenanigans. The acting was good and the plot clever.

I'd give it a 9/10.

Fanboy issues: Drax is human in the comics, changed to what he is. Rocket is actually a Racoon just from another planet, not an experiment. Where's Yondu's bow? (like we'd ever see the future GotG, his inclusion was welcome :P). And what did they do to the Nova Corps? I think we'll never see Richard Rider at this rate... I mean isn't there a New Warriors thing being made? How will he fit into that? (Of coruse I asked the same of the Runaways Molly... apparently she is a mutant but they just don't mention what she is).

Hmm, pie.