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soulsamurai said:
sieanr said:

- Open ended
- Superior story, especially in terms of how its told
- Replay value
- Worthwhile online experience
- Many, many different ways of tackling missions
- Variety


the only thing you have going for you on this is open ended.

The replay value on MGS4 is actually much more then GTA IV trust me i love both games to death and went to the midnight launch for both. MGS4 is definently better though. Online with MGS4 is the best online i have ever played, and there are millions of different endings and stuff to collect......there is a different ending based on wither or not you used a Dualshock 3 or a least a variation. As for ways of tackling missions. MGS4 beats GTAIV out of the water ever aspect. Do you do things complete stealth? do you gain the trust of one side so they protect you? Do you go in FPS mode shooting anything and everything? Do you clear a way out with your MK II. As sad to say it theres more variety and ways to play MGS4 then GTAIV and GTA is a sandbox...

Also.....i have no clue where the hell you're going with story GTA can't compare to MGS....even in the way it's told i think MGS takes the cake.

You know, I can vouch that I played online with Samurai. However, both of us were buds - we used to play our video games in only pampers, wore football helmets and rode the short bus (and sang Christmas carols all year round).

Your credibility is so suspect.

You got OWN3D, son.