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Errorist76 said:

I had this once, like 15 years ago, after trying to have a relationship with a borderliner girl. She had been abused as a child and I thought I saw much more in her, than she could herself, or anybody else. It ended in her trying to kill me, scratching my whole face, throat and biting my arms down to the bones. Yelling at me that I was responsible for what had happened to her, as a child. 

Broke my self-esteem, was depressed for almost 3 years until I had realised what had happened. Including suicidal thoughts, blaming myself for what had happened. I saw the devil that day.... still having problems maintaining relationships since then.

Just last year a good friend of mine commited suicide. He ran away from the mental hospital he was treated at and hanged himself at his parent's house. Just 2 days ago the best friend of one my buddies did. Jumped in front of a train. You won't believe how devastated my buddy is...It's incredibly selfish and deestructive for anybody who just mildly cares for you, impacting their whole life. 

After having overcome all that and a severe addiction lately, being incredibly happy that I'm still alive, I can understand thoughts like that to an extent, but despise them these days for obvious reasons. 

One important step for me was to realise that I'm a hyper sensitive person. I always react very emotionally to things, positive or negative, which lead to myself feeling I was different than everybody else. Expressing all that through music and art helped me a lot and especially meeting or reading about other people who have the same struggles with our society. Made me understand that I was not that different at all since around 10% of humanity share this problem/gift.

Sounds hard. I hope you don´t let the past define your future.

I wanted to write something on this thread, but now I don´t know what to write. I´m feeling anxious and find difficult to do anything. Crappety crabby. I don´t want to just wait this feeling to stop, I will just try to do something :/