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CGI-Quality said:
axumblade said:

As far as the community gaining anything, with Miguel in control, it won't be much different than it has been these past few months where he has been in control. I am sure he will do what I did when Kantor was deputy and discuss bigger decisions with whomever gets the role (as well as the workload that comes with the role). 

As for the other hand, I feel like Miguel isn't going to immediately promote someone to the role of deputy that is new to the mod team and I am certain he will find someone capable to be the deputy mod in case he ever leaves. So the chances of a head mod going on a powertrip aren't thaat high. But if it does happen, the community could always have a riot and bombard talon with messages until he has finally had it and nukes the head mods account. (I have been planning to use this tactic on Miguel since I decided to step down). 

Seriously. We get accused of power trips even without those powers. :P

Well lets be honest you do enjoy waving that green willy in faces of rulebreakers or supposed rulebreakers


Edit : carl has the same tendency

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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