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RolStoppable said:
axumblade said:

So as far as being able to promote someone to head moderator, that was not an ability I was given as the head moderator. The page for the moderators was very makeshift. It is on a list of things the mod team have talked to Talonman about to make things work more fluidly on the site. I will recommend him put an option for head moderator to be able to promote and demote head moderators if that makes it work better. 

As far as promoting moderators go, the head mod does have access to this menu but because a few people in other positions now have the ability to make themselves moderators, if a head mod leaves for an extended amount of time, onw of the deputies will be able to gain access to these powers. 

Part of the problem was that Kantor and I disappeared around the same time and he was the deputy mod. I don't recall if the mod add/remove feature was active at the time but trust me, I have apologized to Smeags (and the other mods) and thanked them when I did return. 

I'll give you that the circumstances have changed since the nightmare Smeags had to manage, so the concerns with only having a single head moderator aren't the same anymore.

The concern today is why should anyone be in favor of a single head moderator over the previous system of multiple head moderators. What do we as a community gain from such a change?

On the other hand, the possible drawback is obvious: If only one person is head moderator and starts to abuse the position, then we could be in for some rough times.

If i read between the lines : someone like Talonman

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