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RolStoppable said:
Ganoncrotch said:

Just picked up 2 more titles

- Mutant Mudds collection (on sale in the US eshop for 7.50
- Piczle Lines DX (with 105 hours of Picross S played , going back over puzzles to get better times I figured I'll try another puzzler on Switch and a recent update just added a free extra 100 puzzles to it)

From counting up the hours in another thread my Switch is heading for close to 1000 hours mostly played in handheld mode... but now I'm starting to have a problem with the system, wondering if anyone else has encountered it but would probably be to the sheer amount of use my console gets while in my hands but basically the left Joycon can be released from the system without the need to press the button on the top of it, with a small amount of pressure under it I can pop it out... meaning that holding the console I now have to keep this in mind and hold the body of the machine rather than the weight via the Joycon.

Just sucky because I'm not sure if the damage is to the Joycon or the body of the system, if it's the joycon I can replace it for a small amount, but if it's the system I'm in slight trouble (although it's under warranty but I don't wanna be without it for the time it would take to repair)

Rather annoying....

Wow, someone other than me bought Piczle Lines DX...

As for your problem, the easiest way to check if it's the Joy-Con or the console that is at fault is obviously sliding another left Joy-Con on and see how that works. Since you don't have that, you can compare the two Joy-Cons you do have. The thing that keeps the Joy-Cons is place is only a small plastic part inside the Joy-Con rail at the height of the release button. The console itself has no moving parts, so it's unlikely that the issue lies with it. The problem is probably that the moving part on the Joy-Con has some damage, so it doesn't fixate the Joy-Con like it should do anymore. Perhaps the part was simply of low production quality or at one point you removed the Joy-Con without pressing the release button properly and that had some long term consequences.

As far as I know, EU laws make warranty of 24 months the minimum that companies are obligated to offer, so regardless of what's broken, you can get a repair for free and the only costs you could have concern the shipping costs on the way to Nintendo's repair center; Nintendo will cover the shipping costs for the return.

@bold - Seems like a cool little time wasting game, my favourite type! Bit of a shame it doesn't record the times that it takes you to complete each puzzle as that allows for replayability in Picross S since I went back to some of the ones I got stumped in and redone those.

@my issue, aye, I don't have another joycon and the only person I know who has a switch I won't be seeing for maybe 2 weeks to a month. When it comes to what caused it... my Switch is almost exclusively just a handheld, the dock hasn't been connected to my TV/Projector in at least 4 months think the last time was just to play Doom 2016 using a GC controller for a laugh but even then, the Joycons are rarely if ever disconnected from the sides of the system but... if you seen the thread about time spent on the Switch mine has been held up by the two joycons for an awful long time, that's what made me think it could be the metal on the sides of the system just having slowly opened up a little bit, I'll take a look in a while when I get it back to my workbench.

Still though... if I get 1000 hours per joycon that's not a bad rate of play for what... 40euros to replace it? :D I have psn+ for the last year now and it's barely given me 20 hours of use in total I think for that 50, yearly joycon replacements might prove more cost effective per hour of gaming!



 - Thanks for the reply btw, I see that little tab that retracts on the joycon now that you're talking about.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at