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Ka-pi96 said:
1. Dir En Grey. Just my favourite band by far. Don't really like their first couple of albums, but from Vulgar onwards they've been pretty much perfect. Can't wait for their next album, it's been over 3 years already!

2. UVERworld. Not in to them as much as I used to be, but still love some of their older stuff. Plus their songs are great for karaoke.

3. Linkin Park. The best debut album I've ever heard, with a great 2nd album too. They also had one of the worst albums I've ever heard, but started to get good again after that.

4. Yui. My go to travel music. Any time I'm on a train I'll start off by listening to some of her songs.

5. One Ok Rock. Not too keen on their more recent stuff, but I still really like their older albums.

Which Dir en grey songs are your favourite? I like Yokan, Shokubeni, Merciless Cult, C, and a few others. Withering to Death is my favourite album of theirs.