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I was just wondering if there are any other people out there who haven't played MGS4 because they don;t have a PS3 but are huge fans of the series. I loves the deries and it was by far my favorite videogame series up until a year or two ago. I played the original many times and Snake's Revenge, and the PS1 and Ps2 games were some of my favorite games ever. Even this year I played through MGS2 again for the sheer enjoyment of it, and I have played that game at least 20 times.

It made me sad that I couldn't play MGS4 because I'm not willing to drop the cahs for essentially one game, even though it is one of my favorite series. It kinda sucks cause I think I'm just going to wait till my roommate at college gets it, or wait a couple years until the price is so low and then just buy it and play it to see how the series ends. Any other fans out there with this situation too?

Everyday I'm hustlin'.


Wii and DS owner.