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Kristof81 said:
curl-6b said:

Then don't, nobody is forcing them to use an inferior method. Those who opt out of gyro do so of their own volition, they're gimping themselves by choice.

Sure, but they kind of did force them to use an inferior method by not giving them a choice to begin with. Like I said previously, there's a simple solution to that problem. If you're all for choice, then give people who prefer classic controls a choice to play against players who use superior method, or not.

I'm not sure splitting the playerbase is a good idea for a game that doesn't have a huge one to split. 

Plenty of games have motion and non-motion controls coexisting online, from Splatoon 1 and 2 to Goldeneye 007 and COD Black Ops/Modern Warfare 3 on Wii.