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HappySqurriel said:
Resident_Hazard said:
To say Nintendo doesn't need 3rd party support is pure folly. For the Wii to maintain it's strong success, third party support will be necessary just as it was for the NES, SNES, GB, GBA, and DS. The N64 and GC both had lackluster 3rd party support and they were the weakest systems (in terms of sales) that Nintendo ever made. (In terms of hardware, both were pretty powerful.)

Nintendo has already went out and gobbled up some new support by adding Monolith Soft to their list of 2nd party companies and getting Tecmo to bring the Fatal Frame series to now be a Nintendo exclusive. I wouldn't be surprised if the past Fatal Frame titles were ported to the Wii in much the same way the RE series was to the GameCube when Resident Evil (main story line, anyway) went on to be Nintendo exclusives (at least for a while). The RE remake and RE0 are still Nintendo-only titles.

What is more important than simply buying up companies, however, is for Nintendo do all of the following:

1. Work with third party companies so that they can better optimize their games for the Wii both in terms of Wiimote/nunchuck use, and in fully using the power buried in that little white console.

2. Offer downloadable playable demos of all manner of 3rd party Wii and DS titles via the Nintendo Channel (and bump it up to 20 pages rather than ten).

3. Offer up wide coverage of titles: Have the "Wii Would Like to Play" advertising also include commercials which showcase a variety of first, second, and third party games all together. Much the way Sony does for the PS3. For instance, in a single advertisement, show clips of 3-6 Wii titles, and not all of them have to be exclusives.

4. Offer us harddrive or external memory solutions to allow a lot more available space for third party companies to work with in regards to game content, downloadable content, and the like.

5. Secure a few AAA exclusive titles bound only for the Wii and/or DS and advertise and promote them HEAVILY. An exlcusive new Resident Evil adventure. An exclusive new Sonic title. Exclusive new revamps of long-forgotten franchises (from the NES-SNES era).

Nintendo is flush with money and it's high time they start throwing it around.  With a Splatterhouse revival and Bionic Commando revival on the horizon for the PS3 and X360, why not also revive Actraiser for the Wii?  Or Punch-Out?  Or Mach Rider?  Parasite Eve, Shenmue, Panzer Dragoon, Breath of Fire, Earthbound, Dino Crisis, Primal Rage, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Samuri Showdown, Double Dragon, River City Ransom?  A lot of great titles with decent histories and plenty of nostalgia.  Especially with the Virtual Console in tow, the Wii is the perfect console to revive long-lost (or even recently forgotten) franchises.

One strategy which worked for Nintendo in the past which I think would work well for them on the Wii is to give some (good) third party publishers the rights to some of their IPs; Sega produced F-Zero (Gamecube), Namco produced Starfox (Gamecube) and Mario Superstar Baseball (Gamecube), and Capcom worked on the Zelda games for the Gameboy Advance.




Oh, of course.  Like handing off Metroid Prime to Retro Studios (who later became a wholly-owned second party) or Kid Icarus to Factor5.  Reviving long- or recently-forgotten franchises, having them in credible hands, and helping with the advertising are all things that can help third party companies and the Wii.