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Medisti said: 

I would suggest that's closer to fact than opinion. I'm of the opinion that gender identity is nonsense because it seems more like a simpler escape from the gender roles of society. I'm not a man who's "girly"; I'm a woman, so it's okay for me to be like this. Even though it's okay to be like that regardless of gender. Gender traits need to go.

Well I am a little bit confused so let me ask you two questions. What is gender identity in this context? Wouldn't people who focus on gender identity mostly be transgender people? I don't think there's a lot of people who aren't transgender who say they identify as another gender. And in that case I don't mind transgender people identifying as another gender because the basis for that is an actual mental condition. 

My second question is, why would you think that gender identity is nonsense that is a simple escape from gender roles ... but then say that gender traits need to go? Gender traits are what determine gender roles and if you think the traits are bullshit you shouldn't really care about what gender someone identifies as in the first place because those roles are arbitrary anyways, right? Unless you're saying that it's all such bullshit we should just get rid of all gender traits and stop entertaining the idea of Gender?

My opinion is that Gender has almost always been used as an easy way of identifying someone's sex without using the word "what is your sex". I guess sex is the scientific term whereas Gender is a social term but people should just list their actual gender unless they are transgender.