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Plot spoilers then.

I'd give it a solid 7/10 but this is a first impression. The characters were great, pretty much all of them. I actually think the weakest one was T'Challa himself and then his love interest but they grew over the film while Killmonger was one dimensional sadly and didn't grow from the film. Klaue was the better villain, with more believable simple motivation (greed and grudge, even if he wasn't much like Klaw from the comics), while Killmonger's plot turned to modern American racism issues and not his motivation of revenge against T'Chaka and Wakanda and to me those parts were far more interesting because they helped T'Challa grow and defined T'Chaka.

Oh and Killmonger flew from wherever they were after saving Klaue which they drove to in a van, to the middle of Africa in a plane that has a range of about 500 miles. :P

Hmm, pie.