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Jokes aside, I identify as a libertarian socialist, an anarchist of some kind. Not sure I could get any more specific than that, aside maybe saying I believe I'd tend to favor a more collectivist view rather than individualistic. That being said, I think most of the differences between denominations are rooted in "how to get there", and I see no point, at least not as of yet, given the circunstancies around me, to identify as any of them. Some of that is probably rooted in a lack of knowlodge on the distinctions, tho. I do believe getting rid of the state while capitalism is still going, without replacing said state with effective means of direct control over the economy, would be a pretty bad idea, and I'd expect a even worse de-facto-state to arise. I also doubt state socialism, unless the definition of "state" is streched quite a bit from what we have today and (at least most of) the productive forces are in (at least mostly) direct control of the people, would ever be conductive to much freedom.

Btw, I think an option for "I'm not really too sure" would have been nice : p