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Try playing games like World of Warcraft, Counter-Strike, Starcraft, or basically any sports or racing game online (whatever genre you're interested in) then come back and ask what the big deal is about online (I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be asking that question then). Online gaming is highly addictive because it allows for a lot of social interaction, competition, and being made to feel a part of a group (especially with guilds and clans).

I realize you made this thread as some sort of a way to excuse Metroid Prime 3 by trying to make online gaming seem insignificant or not a big deal but seriously I doubt anyone really cares if Nintendo is slow to adopt online or not. There's more than enough room for single player, multiplayer home games, and online games but as time goes on and more and more people experience online gaming you can bet that Nintendo will either become serious about online or they'll go the way of the dinosaur.