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kingofwale said:
amp316 said:
kingofwale said:
I think there's a huge difference between N64 and PS1 using analog stick... vs. Microsoft blindly ripping off WIimote and calling it Xmote.

It'd be the difference between working on a project together with a friend vs. you cheated on the exam by copying exactly what the other people said

I agree with all of this except that the XMote is going to be called the Newton from my understanding. I guess because it demonstrates the law of gravity. If you let go of it, it falls to the ground. Really. It's going to be called the Newton (scratches head).

 I wonder how the Newton family is going to think of this.. 

The way I see it, they called it Newton because Newton was being harshly accused by a few people (including Hooke) for stealing their ideas, But due to Newton's popularity, he got away with it.


Sounds familiar? ;) 

Very clever. :)

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