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Man this game.... its been long since a game has twisted one's emotions this deep.

There were so many points throughout the game where I just couldn't help but shed buckets of man tears (seriously, I could not hold back the dam, and released the floodgates) and then afterwards thinking "fuck you Kojima, good show ;_;". A master of twisting your emotions howling like a tortured infant.

Now after I have completed the game, a feeling of emptiness has come over me.

Everything has been concluded, tied and answered....

The Metal Gear Solid Saga is over...

... Nearly 9 years ago I played the first MGS. And now the curtains have gone down...

Thank you Hideo ;_;, thank you for journey of Solid Snake.

... on a related note its approprately raining today. Somehow seems fitting with the completion of MGS4. ;_;

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.