Shadow1980 said:
Tax season is upon us, which means we're looking at a strong month for hardware sales. This is also a big month for remakes and re-releases, with Shadow of the Colossus and Secret of Mana releasing for the PS4, and Bayonetta 1 & 2 coming out for the Switch.
Hourly Rankings
Monthly Rankings
Yearly Rankings
Note: Monthly & weekly rankings are usually updated daily on Amazon, typically sometime in the early to mid afternoon. Also, NPD's months, which use a "4-4-5" calendar, are not perfectly matched to Amazon's months, which go by the standard calendar. Some items in these rankings may be marked with a typographical symbol:
* Indicates item available for pre-order for release in a later month. Does not count towards current month's NPD numbers. † Indicates item currently being sold primarily or exclusively through third-party sellers due to limited stock. Most or all sales don't count towards NPD numbers. ‡ Indicates used/pre-owned hardware. Does not count towards NPD numbers.
Current U.S. Monthly Hardware Rankings
Hardware Preorders Coming Into Effect This Month
U.S. Yearly Hardware Rankings
(Note: This entry will be updated at the start of each month, except during November & December where it will also be updated weekly until New Year's.)
Final U.S. Weekly Rankings
(Note: Covers all weeks in the NPD sales period for the month. March, June, Sept., & Dec., are 5-week months for NPD purposes; all other months are 4 weeks.)
Week 6 (Feb. 5 - 11)
Week 7 (Feb. 12 - 18)
Week 8 (Feb. 19 - 25)
Week 9 (Feb. 26 - March 4)
Amazon Thread Archives
2018: January 2017: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2016: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2015: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Amazon International Sites (Hourly Top 100 Game Rankings)
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