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Ck1x said:
Aeolus451 said:

Trump voters are racists? 😹 Perhaps in the day dreams of the left but not in reality. Lefties can't stand it when people disagree with 'em and they're lazy at debating so they'll resort to using ad hominem instead.

If you take into account everything that this man has said and that his base defends everything tooth and nail its being complicit at its finest. If you drove the car in a bank robbery, you didn't technically rob the bank but still are considered an accessory to the crime. The man is a racist and people who blindly follow him should do a self evaluation!

The truth hurts but oh well... Politics are just the new form of segregation tactics in a class warfare system by crooks

Have poor people fight each other under the guise of political banter while all of the elected officials and their donors laugh all the way to the bank.

Sorry to burst your bubble. He's not a racist either. He hasn't acted iin a racist way or made any political moves that suggest that he is. That just a classic attempt at dehumanizing your opponent to make it easier to rationalize certain behavior and so you don't have to argue against his policies. If he was a racist, he's doing a shit job at it by lowering black unemployment to record lows and actually trying to move the US embassy to Jerusalem. Yeah. what a racist.