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Own: (3)
New 3DS XL

Have owned: (22)
SNES - My first home console. I got it in ~2000 for my 4th birthday with Mario All Stars and Super Mario Kart. Played it for hours on end. I can't remember what exactly happened to it, but I think that it got traded for Gamecube games in ~2005-6.

N64 - I bought one used with my pocket money in like 2007. Had great fun with Donkey Kong 64, Paper Mario and Pokemon Snap and Stadium, but this was way after I got a Gamecube and younger me didn't really explore it much. Got rid of it in ~2012.

Master System - I don't remember playing it much outside of Alex Kidd in Miracle World, traded it in ~2004 for GBA games.

PSX - Found it in the shed of a house we moved into in ~2004. Played a bit of Tekken, but I never got much into it and traded it in ~2005.

PS2 - Played the hell out of the WWE and AFL games on it. I ended up giving it to my brother in ~2010.

Xbox - NFI where it came from, but we had one with the Wrestlemania 21 game in about 2005, traded it in the same year for Gamecube games.

Gamecube - Was my faithful companion from it's launch day until I got the Wii at Christmas 2009. Traded it in for Wii games in mid-2010, still miss it now.

Game Boy - I bought one on a nostalgia trip in 2015, played Pokemon Yellow on it and sold it again, realised I was just as happy playing VC.

Game Boy Pocket - Got one for Christmas 2000, with Pokemon Yellow. Loved it, and that game, more than anything. I didn't put it down for years. Eventually ended up trading it in in early 2004 for a GBA.

Game Boy Colour - I had one for a while in 2006-7, but traded it in as it went pretty much unused.

Game Boy Advance - Got one with Ruby in 2004, but got annoyed with the screen and traded it for an SP after like a month.

Pokemon Mini - Got this for my birthday in 2005, had a lot of fun with the games on it, it was a neat idea for what it was.

Game Boy Advance SP - Loved the SP. It improved upon the GBA in every way possible. I kept it up until ~2009, when I sold it to someone at school.

Nintendo DS - Got it a few months after launch in 2005, had great fun with it. I got a bit too angry at a game I was playing and punched it in a fit of rage, cracking the hinge, which eventually snapped in early 2009.. RIP OG DS.

Nintendo DS Lite - Bought it with my birthday money in 2009. Kept it until the 3DS launched in 2011.

Wii - Got it for Christmas 2009. I was so fucking hyped for it, had been waiting for years. It stuck around for years, in pristine condition as it had come, right up until I sold it last November. Makes me sad, it was a great console.

Nintendo 3DS (x3) - The first was a launch console with the Ambassador program, the L button broke so I bought the second in September of its launch year. The third doesn't really count, I bought it from a store where it was marked as new, played it for a week and the hinge showed wear so I took it back.

Wii U - Bought around Pikmin 3's launch, outside of that and Bayonetta, there was nothing on the console that drew me in at all. It sat unused for all of 2014, then once I was done with Bayonetta I sold it in early 2015. Most disappointed I've ever been in a console.

PS3 - Bought one for SSX, was floored by how awful the wi-fi was, took it back when SSX was also awful.

PS4.- Bought one for Fallout 4, returned it within a week when I realised there was nothing else I really wanted to play on the system.

Last edited by RingoGaSuki - on 30 January 2018