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(I've included a link at the end of this for anyone that wants to read the full story)

NPD has broken down gamers into six groups based on playing and spending habits, here's a synopsis:

33% - "Avid PC Gamers" -  Spend ~13.6 hours/week on mainly a pc or mac and buy 1.4 titles/quarter

22% - "Secondary Gamers" - Spend ~6.5 hours/week on mainly pc or mac, a third own PS2s, they buy 0.8 titles/quarter

20% - "Avid Console Gamers" - Spend ~10.7 hours/week on at least one console, own 1.6 consoles and 0.8 portables, they buy 1.9 games/quarter

15% - "Mass Market Gamers" - Spend ~8.9 hours/week mainly on ps2 or pc, own 1.8 consoles, (no purchase info per quarter given in article)

8% - "Casual Kid Gamers" - Spend ~3.6 hours/week mainly on ps2 and gameboy advance, they buy 0.8 games/quarter

2% - "Heavy Gamers" - Spend ~39.3 hours/week mainly on Xbox 360 and Wii, own 2.8 consoles and 1.9 portables, they buy 13.1 games/quarter, around 3.8 million heavy gamers in U.S.
