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gergroy said:
Errorist76 said:


I'd be fine with them closing them at this point in time. I've lost all hope since DAI and atm I simply wouldn't care because Bioware is long dead, as it seems to me.

They are basically a new team, or even several new teams. It's just another EA studio these days and most people responsible for the classic greats don't even work there anymore. Bioware is just a brand name...there is no soul left and I won't believe otherwise until I see they can indeed change for the better. 

I have loved pretty much every game they have made, and they have only seemed to get better.  Dragon age inquisition was awesome and I really liked andromeda as well.  Honestly the only Bioware game I’m not very fond of is dragon age 2, and obvious rush job.  Other than that they are amazing!

if you don’t feel the same way that’s perfectly fine.  Everybody has different opinions.  Personally, I think they are over criticized for small, unimportant things because they are part of EA.  The internet loves to hate on EA.

The writing in DAI and MEA has been bland and pretty terrible in comparison to earlier games. I made the mistake to replay DAO and DA2 before DAI and I must say, even though I wasn’t too fond of DA2 at first it still left a better impression than DAI did. At least they seem to have hired a talented writer for DA4 now. We’ll see if they can redeem themselves.