collint0101 said:
nemo37 said:
What a cool thread. Here is my list of third-party titles that I own. 2018: -Aces of the Luftwaffe -RiptideGP Renegade -OxenFree -World to the West -Super Meat Boy -ChromaGun -Vesta -Shu -Max: The curse of brotherhood 2017:
-Yooka-Laylee -NBA Playgrounds -Minecraft -Sonic Mania -Sonic Forces -SteamWorld Dig 2 -Mummy Demstered -Mutant Mudds Collection -Poly Bridge -Lumo -Phantom Breaker -Pinball FX3 -Teslagrad -FIFA 18 -NBA 2K18 -Kid Tripp -Stick it to the Man -Stardew Valley -Cat Quest -Portal Knights -Othello -Thimbleweed Park -Letter Quest Remastered -Gear Club Unlimited -Rocket League -Octodad Deadliest Catch -Chess Ultra -Skyrim -NeoGeo: Alpha Mission II -Monopoly -Rime -Doom -Fast RMX -Rayman Legends -Lego Worlds -Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 -Axiom Verge -Picross S -One Piece Unlimited World Red -Golf Story -Pan-Pan -Skylanders Imaginators -Overcooked SE -Namco Museum -Retro City Rampage -Gunbarich -Severed -Levels + -Ironcast -Infinite Minigolf -Human Resources Machine -Boost Beast -Ocean Horn -Lego City Undercover -NeoGeo: Metal Slug -NeoGeo: Metal Slug 2 -Implosion -Shantae: Half-Genie Hero -Cave Story+ -Super Bomberman R -Mighty Gunvolt Burst -Disgaea 5 -Snake Pass -Little Inferno -Graceful Explosion Machine -Puyo Puyo Tetris -New Frontier Days -NeoGeo: Metal Slug 3 -Shovel Knight -WonderBoy -NeoGeo: Waku Waku 7 -Blaster Master -World of Goo -Kamiko -NeoGeo Metal Slug -I am Setsuna -Thumper -LA Noire -MineCraft Story Mode -RBI Baseball 2017 -Fate Extella -Batman TellTale Series -Resident Evil Revelations Collection -Ultra Street Fighter II
Jesus Christ did you buy the whole eShop
If my count is right there he has 93 of the 380 games available on the eshop (that said he has skylanders which is one of the few games which isn't there, so it should be out of 381 games)
But yeah there is another 288 games he could buy still! the Switch has gotten a crazy number of titles for its first year.