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in 2016 my wife got really depressed. She stopped to do anything. all she was doing is sleep 15 hours a day, and stay in bed to read about autism because she was convinced that our older daugther was asperger. i had to take care of our two daugther by my own most of the time (they were 2 and 3 at the time), and take care of the house (laundry, cooking, cleaning, gardening...) it went for 6 month before she got a breakdown at her job, yelling at her boss, and everyone there. she was put on a sickness leave for a year or so)

turns out she was asperger herself. she got diagnosed, and got antidepressive therapy. and things went better until she returned to work in september last year. She's fine now.

however, i bordered burnout for a while last year. after the 6 depression months of my wife which was rough for me, as i had to take care of everything, try to support her, and not really having time to take care of myself. even after my wife got better i was still had to go to work alone, taking the kids to the daycare, and getting them back after work. you see, my wife and i work at the same hospital, on the same shifts. So before she stopped working, she was always there to help me with the kids (because young kids in the back seat often yell and fight) and help me to get them at the daycare. so al of the sudden i was alone, in winter where i have to get up, wake the kids, have them eat breakfast, putting their clothes on, boots, coats, etc. remove all that at the daycare and do the same after work.

i start smoking, which i had stopped for 4 years, i almost abandoned my univeristy class that i do online at night, sometimes i was crying without a reason. fortunately, i'm almost over this now, and everything is much better.

all that to say that depression is tough, and tough for people around you too. it's very important to get help and see a professonal about it as soon as you realised that something is wrong.