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I just want to make one thing clear. I fully support the industry pursuing VR going forward. It does nothing for me because a decent (not good) experience is still way, way too expensive. But, that doesn't mean that technology won't exist some day.

But, let's not fool ourselves here. VR is far more popular than it has ever been, but it's still extremely niche. It's not popular amongst gamers, sales are not good, the price is a complete turn off for a casual audience no matter how "neat" or "amazing" they find it, and the technology is still way too basic and causes motion sickness in far too many people after extended use. It's got a long, long ways to go, and that isn't going to happen soon. It's not 3-4 years away, it's probably not going to happen in the 2020's. So let's temper our expectations and not get ahead of ourselves.