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John2290 said:

I wanted to separate this topic from my VR thread because I don't feel it fits. I see a lot of people equating VR to 3D or other such gimmicks, these people have obviously not tried Virtual reality proper.

I am happy to see someone else that is willing to advocate change in the gaming industry. It has been extreamly sad over the past decade to see the core gaming community absolutely do everything they can to try destroy this industry. Hopefully, a new wave of people will start to take over the mindshare of the gaming community, and embrace growth of the medium. How amazing would it be if we embraced things like expanded functionality, Motion Controls, 3D, Mobile Handhelds, Kinect, and VR, instead of cannibalizing them?

I really hope that VR is able to battle through the typical core gamer backlash, and reach enough regular people to let it get the momentum it is capable of. It would be extreamly refreashing if VR could break through and be a huge hit on consoles and PC, and not end up taking off as either its own crap stand alone product, or yet another offspring of mobile. For once it would be nice to have something born out Consoles and Handhelds that can actually maintain a premium quality level, as opposed to being revived as absolute garbage, and finally go on to become a major new sector. 

We really need Rockstar to put their foot down and make GTA6 a VR exclusive. We need Activision to be bold and bring COD to VR exclusively. These big players need to set the standard, and show people that VR is in fact the way AAA game development is going. They have the power to make the mass market excited about VR, and I hope they come out guns blazing with Gen 2 AR/VR. For every 1 gamer they loose from the shift to VR, I can easily see them picking up 2 or 3 more. Done right VR is an expereince, and that reaches a lot bigger audeince than a game ever could. 

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams