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Anyone who's actually tried it with one of the better games tied to it knows it's not a gimmick. It's a legitimately mind blowing experience that's only going to get better as time and technology goes on. 

For the time being it's just a little expensive and bulky/awkard, but both of those issues will resolve as time goes on.

It's more like online gaming I would say ... when online first started, some people said that was a gimmick too. It was more like it was in a raw state when it first appeared on consoles (ie: online gaming on the Dreamcast). 

In 5-10 years the level of experience you're going to be able to get from VR is going to be something else. The headsets will get lighter with better displays, and you'll have fewer/no cables, etc. Eventually you'll have controllers that give more tactile sensory feedback too. And it'll be cheaper too. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 21 January 2018