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Thor: 4/10
- Decent performances by Hemsworth, Hiddleston, and Hopkins. Rest of the cast is mediocre
- Some cool fight scenes
- Competently shot with decent visual effects
- A couple of funny jokes

- Dialogue sucks. Its either a bunch of expository details about how character personalities or is just generic
- No chemistry between the 2 leads
- Overall movie just feels pointless. Thor has a character arc but the plot is so mundane and insignificant
- Loki is nowhere near as entertaining as he was in the Avengers. His character doesn't even make sense in this movie. He causes his father to go into a coma and takes his throne in the hopes of keeping it forever. Its established early on he feels betrayed by Odin for not telling him the truth. It turns out he just put on some stupid ruse in order to make his father (who he previously hated) proud.

This is one of the most superficial movies I've ever seen. It works well technically but motivates no emotion in the audience what so ever.