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Here's the thing that gets my goat; one of this game's most annoying features, enemies pulling cheap super-moves out of their arse, is something the original game already fixed back in 2010 by allowing you to see when these were coming via the "see the future" mechanic and use a Monado Art to block them. This could have easily been incorporated into XBC2 using Mythra's "foresight" ability and the fact it's not feels like something of a glaring omission.

Asriel said:
That being said, for all the invention, particularly in the way the game's different systems combine and complement one another the more time you spend with the game, there are still stupid, frustrating elements that shouldn't have made it into the final game.

Honestly, I feel like this game was rushed. It has a lot of little issues that I'd expect to be caught and ironed out in a first party Nintendo game, in terms of both design and technical polish. For example, I had the music glitch out on me on more than one occasion.


Okay, since that all came out as quite negative, to balance things out I will say that the deaths of Amalthus and Jin at the end of chapter 9 were surprisingly moving; it's not easy to make the player feel sympathy for the enemy, especially one they themselves just had to beat, so kudos to Monolith for that. A big part of it is the music, which at this point I can safely say is just as amazing as Xenoblade 1's, which is to say, in my 10 top gaming soundtracks of all time.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 20 January 2018