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rasone77 said:
Not everyone has enough money to upgrade their PC to play it. If his PC ain't at least made with in the last year he's going to get graphics worse than the 360. Not worth it if you ask me.

Also, I see a PS3 port in the future. Bioware is owned by EA now and you know how portcentric they are.

M$ secured the publishing rights for the console version. It was published by M$ and I don't think you would ever, ever see the original ever grace a PS3 in the future. Maybe EA will figure out a way to do it, but based on the fact the game was developed and published at MS game studios ... well ...

EA and MS published the PC version.

So, to play Mass Effect, which is my favorite game next to GTA and Test Drive Unlimited, he's either have to get a full configured PC or a 360. Your choice.

@ Rocketpig - yeah, Benzia's buggy. However, all you have to do is - SPOILER - keep moving around the room to the right. Don't try to hurt her - you weaken her by taking out her underlings. And also, when you replay the game, you can keep all of your stats, upgrades and literally waltz through the game. I had all my junk maxed out, especially charm and intimidation, and it really, really makes it seem like another game altogether.

Seriously, Bioshock coming to the PS3? Though my 2K rep said no, I knew they wanted loot. Mass Effect 1 is forever tied to MS. You'd do better wishing for a Forza game or Halo to hit the PS3 than Mass Effect. Dang, I miss playing it!!!!